On this page, you will find information about my teaching activities at the University of Brest, Brest, France. At the moment, most of the materials are in French.

S1 - Technologies Informatiques - Partie Web

S8 - Administration des Systèmes d'Exploitation

S9 - Systèmes d'Exploitation pour l'Embarqué

I participated in teaching Labs (TPs) and Work-on-Table (TDs). At the moments, I no longer teach all of the courses below. I just put the teaching materials available here just in case someone find them useful.

S2 - Application d'informatique

S4 - Architetures & Systèmes 1

S4 - Algorithmique fondamentale, Graphes et Test

S5 - Programmation C avancée

Moodle: https://moodlesciences.univ-brest.fr/moodle/course/view.php?id=436

Atelier de découverte de la robotique

Tutoriel vidéo :